HSC Vocational (MCVC)
The Central Government of India declared the New Education Policy in 1986 at Secondary & Higher Secondary level. Vocational course should be given priority, so the National Research Council prepared the scheme of vocational education and was implemented in whole country at that time. Maharashtra govt. also started vocational education from 1988.
from 2014-15 the syllabus is revised & the ability of 20 vocational courses were started in various 6 groups.
In this college following 3 Vocational courses have been successfully run from 1992.
1) Electronics Technology
2) Electrical Technology
3) Medical Laboratory Technician
Only 30 Admissions are given to each course in 11th Std. as per government rule. First & second curriculum is taught through to Marathi medium & third is taught through English Medium.
1. After 12th std. MCVC Students can get Job opportunities & self employment opportunities in various Electronics, Electrical & Medical fields.
2. After 12th std. MCVC Students can continue their further education .They can get direct addmission for second year of diploma in engineering. They can also take admissions to first year of general education in senior colleges.
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