02162-234392 YCIS, Satara
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  3. Women Empowerment

Women Empowerment Cell (WEC) has been established to promote issues related to gender sensitivity in the college and conduct diverse programmes to educate sensitize both male and female members. It works for the welfare of the  students and faculty by boosting their self-esteem and providing opportunity to assert their rights without limitations and restriction such as in education, profession and lifestyle . Women empowerment is all about equipping and allowing women to make life determining decisions to make their own place in society.


  • To empower and safeguard  the rights of female members, faculty staff and Girls students of the institute.
  •  To promote a culture of honour and equality for female gender .
  •  To provide formal education to rural and urban girls to impart knowledge of opportunities.
  • To undertake the awareness programmes by conducting lectures, health check up camp, training on  Gender sensitization, women rights and women empowerment.
  • To infuse entrepreneurial attitude among young girls through hand on training .
  •  To suck up the ideas that are harmful and which can stops women empowerment like child  marriage , dowry killings, discrimination.