1) Video Conferencing Units:
Video Conferencing unit is audio-visual hardware that enables video conference meeting. It includes cameras, microphones, speakers, remote controls, LCD Projector etc. These are installed in a meeting room with a monitor so that conference participants can collaborate with colleagues in a remote location. It includes one-to-many conferences such as livestream broadcast to talk and see each other.
2) Smart Slet (tab) with wi-fi connectivity/smart boards:
The Smart Slate can be used to control on-screen learning applications, write and draw in digital ink, or open and view files on a connected computer or on a Smart Board interactive whiteboard with Wi-Fi facility.
3) Visualizers:
In Institute every department has visualizer . It is an image capture devices for displaying an object to a large audience.
4) Public Address System Podium:
The Institute has multi-functional metallic podium has number of input/output ports such as USBs, HDMI In/Out, VGA In/Out, Audio In/Out, Ethernet etc. device is used to deliver interactive lecture or presentation electronically.
5) Interactive Board:
Every department of our Institute having interactive board. It is connected PC, such as a web browsers or other software used in the classroom. It is used for capturing and saving notes written on a whiteboard to the connected PC.
6) High Resolution Camera for video shooting:
i) Cannon HD XA11(20X Optical zoom)
Harison (Porta light 500W)
ii) Rode Out – 1 No.
iii) Micro In - 1 No.
iv) Mike - 5 No.
v) LED Screen Touch ( 80 inch) - 1 No.