Rayat Shikshan Sanstha is an Indian educational organization founded by Dr. Karmveer Bhaurao Patil in 1919 at Kale. Its aim was to illuminate the life of the downtrodden crawling in darkness for centuries. Bhaurao Patil was influenced by Jyotirao Phule and Chhatrpati Shahu Maharaj. He was a great humanitarian who endeavoured hard to educate the masses to bring a kindly light of hope in their lives of misery and ignorance. Rayat Shikshan Sanstha has given priority to quality education to empower the students to withstand the cut - throat competition in the age of globalization and artificial intelligence, requisite educational policies are being implemented effectively under the gifted leadership of Hon. Sharadraoji Pawar. Accordingly. This quality has been duly acknowledged by the NAAC, So far, 07 colleges have been accredited at 'A+'grade, 15 with 'A' grade, 14 with 'B++' grade and 06 with 'B+' grade. In addition, 06 colleges of the Sanstha have received the status of autonomous and 05 colleges have CPE status. There is B-Voc. in 16 colleges.02 colleges have the status of community colleges. 13 colleges have received grants under the D.S.T. (FIST) scheme whereas 02 colleges have received the D.B.T. (STAR) grants. In addition 7 colleges of the Sanstha have received grants of crores under the RUSA scheme. 14 colleges and 16 Secondary schools are certified with ISO standards. The cluster university named "Karmveer Bhauraoto Patil" is to be established by grouping three 'A+' NAAC accredited colleges in Satara City. The Sanstha has established C-III centres at Satara, Hadapsar and Kharghar (Mumbai) to augment research aptitude among the students. Presently the ray Shikshan Sanstha has been conducting a total of 772 branches including 42 colleges, 447 Secondary Schools, 7 training colleges, 62 primary schools(English medium 28), 47 Pre-primary (English medium 29), 91 Hostels (35 for girls), 7Administrative offices, 8 Ashram Schools, 3 Industrial Training Institute (ITI), 57 Other branches, 1 Rayat Institute of Research and Development, Satara. .
Early life: Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil was born in a Marathi Jain farming family at Kumbhoj in
Kolhapur District. Bhaurao's father was a clerk in the revenue department for East India
Company. Bhaurao was one of the first few Jains known to have passed 6th class of secondary
school. During childhood, Bhaurao was heavily influenced by Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj, the
ruler of Kolhapur state, Shahu Maharaj was promoter of social equality and education of people
belonging to backward castes. Eventually, his father sent him to Kolhapur for further education,
where he got in contact with the Satya Shodhak Movement and found other sources of
inspiration, Mahatma Phule and Maharshi Vitthal Ramji Shinde.
Social work: Bhaurao gamered political interest and decided to express his role in the fight
for Indian freedom struggle by working in other beneficial fields like public education. While he
worked for companies such as Ogale glass works, Kirloskar and Coopers, he participated in
activities of Satya Shodhak Samaj. He had realised by then that the only remedy for the social
evils of those times was the education of the masses. In 1919,he started a hostel where children
from lower castes and poor families could stay and get an education, while working to pay the
expenses. This was the foundation of what later became Rayat Shikshan Sanstha.
As Bhaurao started working on his program to educate the masses,During a public
meeting in 1921,Bhaurao happened to come across Gandhiji at Mumbai. He was highly
impressed by Gandhiji's appearance and his philosophy of Khadi. Following this encounter,
Bhaurao decided to adopt Khadi attire and follow Gandhian principles in everyday living.
Eventually he vowed to see it to completion,establishing 101 schools in Gandhi's name. 'The
bountiful Banyan' is Bhaurao Patil's biography written by Pandurang Ganpati Patil.

Dr.Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil.
Rayat Education Society: While employed in the Kirloskar factory at Kolhapur, Bhaurao began working for the Satya Shodhak Samaj. In a meeting of Satya Shodhak Samaj, held at 'Kale' near Karad, a resolution passed that in order to run the Satya Shodhak Movement successfully it would be necessary to educate the Bahujan Samaj. Accordingly, Bhaurao Patil established Rayat Shikshan Sanstha at a small village named 'Kale', on 4th October,1919.This society focused on the children of the masses, so it was named 'Rayat', the Marathi word for "masses".During Bhaurao's lifetime the Sanstha created 38 Cosmopolitan boarding schools, 578 voluntary schools, 6 training colleges,108 secondary schools and three colleges.
-People of Maharashtra bestowed him with the title, ''Karmveer'' (Marathi for "King of actions").
- The Government of India awarded him with "Padma Bhushan" in 1959.
- The University of Pune awarded him an honorary D. Litt. in the same year.
-The Karmaveer Baburao Patil Samaj Seva Puraskar awards were named for him by the Dakshin Bharat Jain Sabha.
- People also called him "Anna" (big brother)
The 'Rayat Shikshan Sanstha' is one of the largest and the leading Educational Institutes in India. Yashwantrao Chauhan Institute of Science is autonomous college of sanstha.It was established in June 1958 as a science wing of Chhatrapati Shivaji College Satara, after a steady development of seven years later, it was established as a single faculty "Science College" on 20th June,1965.

Late Shri Yashwantrao Balwantrao Chavan, 5th Deputy Prime Minister of India, Ex Chief Minister of Mumbai state laid the foundation stone of the building on 24th January, 1960. Late Dr. Rajendra Prasad, former President of India, former President of constituent Assembly of India inaugurated the Science building on 14th December, 1960.kThe Science college was christened on 8th May,1986 as Yashwantrao Chavan Institute of Science in the honour of late Shri Yashwantrao Balwantrao Chavan former Deputy Prime Minister of India,former President of Rayat Shikshan Sanstha.

The institute is continuously flourishing in strength and standard. Now Yashwantrao Chavan Institute of Science is a reputed government aided Science institute affiliated to Shivaji University,Kolhapur with University affiliation No. UKF/565/U/5 and Junior college Index No. J21-10-003 UDISE number of Junior College is 273110 26508.

During these last 56 years it has grown up gradually and steadily. Presently,the institute offers Degree programmes B.Sc.,B.C.S.BSc- Biotechnology, Nanoscience and Technology, Forensic Science, Animation science, post graduate programs M.Sc.in Botany, Zoology, Chemistry,Microbiology,Statistics,Mathematics and Physics. The Institute runs M. Phil. and Ph.D.courses in various subjects as a sub- centre of Shivaji University,Kolhapur.It also runs B. Lib. and I.Sc, M. Lib. and I.Sc.courses of Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University Nashik. Considerable number of students of this Institute achieve ranks and medals in academic,sports and cultural fields of University, State, National and International level. Number of ex-students of this Institute have achieved dignitary positions in India and abroad.

During these last 56 years, the institute has not only scaled academic heights but also made its impact felt at state and national level with "A+" grade with CGPA 3.57 in third cycle accreditation by NAAC, Bangalore. It has also received the status of college with potential for Excellence from UGC, Star Scheme by Department of Biotechnology, FIST by Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, 'Best College award' for NSS unit by Government of Maharashtra and Shivaji University,Kolhapur,Academic Excellence Award by Shivaji University, Kolhapur.'Best College Award' by Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara.Junior college has received 137 marks out of 138, 'A' from shaala Siddhi Team.Junior College index number is 21.10.003.