Gurukul Library
• The special part of the college is named as Gurukul Library.
• It has a rich and well maintained library with 7690 books with the specialty of JEE,NEET and MHT-CET preparation
• It is fully manually with demand of students' necessity.
• Books and Notebooks are distributed through Rayat Gurukul project to poor and budding students and specially top scorer student through the medium of library.

Study Room
A study room is a place for quiet contemplation, work or study. It’s a room where you or your kids will not be disturbed. It should be a comfortable and productive space. It should also spark inspiration and stimulate creativity. Ready to get started on designing the perfect study room for your home? Here’s how to go about it.
What Are the Elements You Need to Keep in Mind When Designing Study Room?
• Location: Pick a room that is secluded and quiet; ideally someplace where you can get the sun’s rays in the morning or evening. The sun slanting across your desk can look lovely.
• Furniture: You need a well-designed desk and chair—plan for plenty of storage overhead or along at least one sidewall. If the study room is for your children, scale down the size to suit their comfort.
• Lighting: You will require soft ambient lighting, and a task light next to the desk, like a reading lamp with a throw that can be adjusted. It’s also good to have plenty of natural light in this room. An ergonomically designed chair is a must if you expect to be spending a lot of time at your desk. If space permits, do add a lounge chair where you can put up your feet and relax.
• Functionality: Plan the functional areas well. Your storage drawers should have organisers for files and stationery. Have plenty of shelves for books and other resources. Don’t forget the dust bin and have potted plants around to keep the air fresh. If possible, install a music system and a television screen if this is going to double up as a den. Make sure there are enough electrical points for all your chargers (laptop, mobile etc.), printer, study lamp, wifi modem and anything else you require at your desk. If the electrical points are below desk level, get a wire manager for easier access.
• Colours: Neutral colours work well for a study room. If this room is going to be used by your student, shades of white color indicating to pin drop silence.

ICT lecture
• When a teacher teaches a subject by using a slideshow, it promotes an interactive way of studying. The teaching goes slide by slide and the students can clear the doubts and queries side by side.
• It's easy for the teacher to capture the attention of the students. The creative tools, its features, the interest and curiosity of the students are favorable aspects to the teachers.
• Easy to understand
• Concentrate on the content

Weekly Test
Unit Tests
State Board Pattern (Subjective Type )Tests
JEE/NEET /MHT-CET Practice Tests
By studying for every week's test, students are reducing the pressure and burden for bigger exams and tests! For the final exams,
Students will realise about their study and move to your weaker areas!
Also, it boosts students confidence! Which helps the student come up with flying colors!

Extra Lectures
Extra lectures would help brush up and give more clarity on certain concepts to students .
Students can remember concepts better and reduce their stress levels through extra lecutres.
Usually there are more examples and problems solved in such classes as compared to the normal class hours at college.
So although they may be a bit time consuming but can prove helpful to students

Special Study Material
• Learning materials are important because they can significantly increase student achievement by supporting student learning.
• We have prepared study material for all core subjects with the help of expert teachers.
• The material from select portions for each subject was prepared on the basis of the previous years’ question papers, exam pattern of various entrance exams, State board as well as NCERT syllabus.

Guest Lectures
• Guest lectures help students to improve their learning in a more interactive & topic specific way.
• These can be very helpful not only for the students, but can also contribute to the teacher’s knowledge and practices.
• Guest lectures can be used to make classes more approachable and appealing to students.
• Motivational & Career Guidance Lectures.
• Study techniques & Stress Management
• Expert’s Lectures for JEE / NEET / MHT-CET
• Preparations for Board Exam

Online practice exam
• Mock tests are similar trial exams taken before any final exam. It is just like a trailer of a movie before watching a movie. It helps us to assess our own preparation.
• Mock tests are arranged to give students a feel of the real exam. mock tests provide a trial run. Being placed in the same situation and feeling the same amount of pressure before the actual competitive exam will inculcate some self-analytical capacity and confidence in the student.
• It is said that "practice makes man perfect". So it is one one of the ways which leads a student to perfection.

Educational tours
Interaction of students with IIT faculties